Saturday 16 April 2016

Signs She's Cheating Worried She's Cheating On You? These Are The Signs To Look For

Though it could just be anxiety or worries you should push aside, when you get a hunch that your girlfriend is straying, it’s hard to shake it. Regardless of how long you’ve been together or how often she swears up and down that nothing is going on, there may be hidden signs to clue you in to her real intentions. 
These aren’t scientifically proven, but experts agree on these indicators that you should heed when in doubt about your lady’s love:

She Keeps To Herself

She could be busy with juggling work schedules, making it to yoga class and seeing her girlfriends — but if she’s not telling you about her day, there’s a chance she’s telling someone else. Laurel House, dating coach and author says if she isn’t discussing her frustrations, highs and lows, you have reason to fret. “Do you feel like you’re just getting the ‘need to know’ information without getting into how something made her feel?” House asks. If so, she might be leaning on another guy. 

She's Not As Open

Let’s be real: women are typically more open about their feelings than men are. It’s when you’re able to open up to a special girl that you feel connected to her, and when she opens up in return, your relationship really starts to grow. However, if she’s quiet and hardly ever upset, she might be emotionally cheating with someone else. Why? Because unlike men, women cheat emotionally before they take it to the physical level, experts say. “An emotional affair can actually be more dangerous than the typical male affair,” House says.

She's Hiding Her Phone

When she’s doing something she knows she shouldn’t, it’s likely she’ll feel guilty about it. You might notice that instead of spending time scrolling through Instagram on the couch with you, she put her phone in the other room. She probably doesn’t want to risk you looking over and catching her in the act. “Women may hide text messages, email exchanges, and phone calls with a ‘good friend,’” House says. “He could start off as just a friend, but it could also be progressing into more.”

She's Light On Details

She’s always had that monthly wine and supper club with her girls, and a few times a month when they hit the town, but now there’s a book club? And they’re taking yoga, too? She could be needing more friendship time in her life, or she’s seeing someone on the side. The key here, House says, is to pay attention to what she says when she sees you after those nights. “Instead of coming home and filling you in on all the details and gossip she learned while out with the girls, she is cagey and not forthcoming about what they did or talked about.” 

She's Never In The Mood

Even if you’ve always been the initiator of sex in your relationship, if you can’t remember the last time you had sex - and she doesn’t seem too concerned to change it - than you might have validation to be suspect. Sex expert and author, Dr. Kat Van Kirk says that when your partner wants significantly less sex or physical contact, it’s a sign their interests lie elsewhere. 

She's Had A Drastic Makeover

Though everyone switches up their wardrobe or gets a new haircut from time-to-time, if your lady has lost a lot of weight, is overly concerned with her looks or has completely changed her style, she could be preparing for a new relationship. Van Kirk says women often reinvent themselves outwardly when they’re feeling the need for change inwardly, so if she’s being antsy, you might have reason to be, too.

She Thinks You're Insecure

Though it was her choice to stray if she did, women sometimes cheat when they feel like they’re partner is being too clingy or accusing them of being interested in someone else. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy, House says. “Unless you truly do want her to see you through your tainted glasses, don’t point out your insecurities and physical flaws,” she suggests. “If you constantly question if you are good enough for her, she might start to wonder the same thing… and look for something better.”

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