Friday 15 April 2016

Police forming guard of honour photobombed by cat - and one cop can't contain amusement

The cheeky puss was spotted stretching out near to officers who were forming a guard of honour bringing a light moment to proceedings

Animals make the best photobombers - and this daring moggy is a case in point.
The feline was seen making itself comfortable near a US 'honor guard' held by New Jersey State Police , a ceremonial unit used at state functions or funerals.
Undermining the seriousness of the situation, the posing puss actually caused one of the stern-faced lawkeepers to crack a smile as he clocked its antics.
New Jersey Police shared the photo on their Facebook page , where it's had more than 6,000 reactions - and more than 1,400 shares.
“It’s no wonder that the internet is obsessed with cats. They are crazy little critters,” they wrote.

New Jersey State Police
  New Jersey State Police photobombed
New Jersey State Police were photobombed by this kitty cat - and one of them cracked a smile
“Case in point: This kitty-splat photobomb can make even our most squared-away, locked-out Honor Guard chuckle.
"Well played cat. Well played.”
One commenter wrote: "Kitty gots ta get her groove on," while another added: "Photo bombed by a kitty... lol."

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