Mother hits out at McDonald's after son is refused a free ice cream he won
Mother angry after son was not allowed to use his free ice cream voucher at McDonald’s (Picture: Wales News Service)
You’ve got to be thick skinned to refuse a child ice cream.
But that’s what is said to have happened to an 11-year-old boy as he tried to redeem his voucher for a free McFlurry at McDonald’s.
Angry mother, Gemma Warlow, claimed the fast food chain refused to give her son, Rhys, his free treat because it was deemed ‘gambling’.
While eating in McDonald’s with his friends during the school holidays, Rhys, from Swansea, Wales, was delighted to find the free McFlurry voucher, wrapped in ‘Monopoly Prize Choice’ packaging.
But when he went to the counter he was told by staff the voucher could only be redeemed by people over the age of 16.

Since, Gemma has criticised McDonald’s for allowing children to gamble, but not giving them the prize.
I understand McDonald’s see the prizes as gambling, but if it is gambling they shouldn’t be giving children the vouchers in the first place. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
When Rhys told me he had been unable to claim his free ice cream I couldn’t believe it. I went to McDonald’s and asked the cashier myself and he confirmed that they do not give out prizes to children under the age of 16.
They can clearly see my son isn’t 16. They should give underage children normal packaging, or if it’s too much bother for them to do that they should be informing them at the time of purchase that if they do win anything they can’t claim it without an adult present.
The 30-year-old mother has lodged a complaint, but is yet to hear back from the fast food chain.
A spokesman for McDonald’s said it has been working ‘in accordance with OFCOM guidelines’ and it is clearly stated on all Monopoly promotional materials that the promotion is for those aged 16 and above.
Monopoly prize stickers are not included with a Happy Meal and whilst it is possible a person under 16 could purchase a product sold within our promotional packaging, the terms and conditions are clear that they are unable to take part in the promotion.
Any prizes can be claimed by older family members.