14 ways to identify a British person
(Picture: Ian Gavan/Getty Images)
There’ something rather special about being British.
From their overt need to be polite to the national pride for their sporting teams even when faced with defeat.
These are just some of the ways to identify a Brit in an international line-up, but we’ve put together a few more to know exactly when you’re dealing with the best of British.

1. No matter how awkward, they will always stop to pet a passing dog

14 ways to identify a British person
Because we kind of like pets more than humans.

2. Every second word out of their mouths will be ‘sorry’

14 ways to identify a British person
Even if it’s not their fault, you’ll get an apology

3. They will have a stiff upper lip about any situation

14 ways to identify a British person
They never let emotions get the better of them, no sir.

4. They will talk a lot about the weather

(Picture: Twitter)
(Picture: Twitter)
It’s a great conversation starter.

5. You can never be 100% certain of when they are being sincere or sarcastic

14 ways to identify a British person
They like to keep you on your toes.

6. They’ll have a coffee in their hand on the way to work

A photo posted by Joannah (@joannah_x) on
Because days don’t really start without one

7. They fully embrace the art of ‘curtain twitching’

Our great sense of neighborliness and community also manifests in a strange joy in nosing in on other people’s comings and goings.

8. They’ll say they’re ‘fine’ when really they’re not

14 ways to identify a British person
They don’t like to cause a fuss.

9. So much pride for the Royal family

(Picture: Getty)
(Picture: Getty)
Even if they’re not entirely sure what the Royals actually do, they won’t hear a word against them.

10. Still use imperial measurements

14 ways to identify a British person
Don’t even try and get them to tell you how tall they are in metric.

11. Brits love a good pun so much…

(Picture: Dave)
There’s even a UK Pun Championship.

12. They’ll defend our national teams until the end

Who cares that England hasn’t won the World Cup since 1966? They still have hope.

13. They will, under no circumstances, be able to dance

Inbetweeners gif
However, their lack of coordination will by no means dampen their enthusiasm.

14. ‘You alright? is a common form of greeting

14 ways to identify a British person
They don’t actually want to know if you’re alright.