Monday 28 March 2016

You're Fired! Mexicans Burn Trump Effigies

Mexicans have shown their disdain for Donald Trump by burning effigies of him during Easter celebrations.
The Republican presidential frontrunner and Apprentice reality TV star has been criticised for his plan to build a wall along the border with the US to keep out immigrants.
Effigies of the billionaire property tycoon were reportedly set on fire across the country, including in Mexico City, Puebla and Monterrey.
In the capital's La Merced district, hundreds of people yelled "death" and various insults as they watched the grinning papier mache mock-up of Trump explode.

Mexicans burn an effigy of U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump as they celebrate an Easter ritual late on Saturday in Mexico City's poor La Merced neighborhood
He has been criticised for his plan to build a wall along the US border
The burning is part of a Mexican Holy Week tradition where neighbourhoods set alight effigies to represent Judas Iscariot, who the Bible says betrayed Jesus Christ.
Artist Felipe Linares, whose family has been making Judases for more than 50 years, produced one Trump model.
He said: "Since he started his campaign and began talking about immigrants, Mexico, and Mexicans, I said 'I've got to get this guy'".
Mr Trump has vowed to make Mexico pay for the wall - something that the country's president Enrique Pena Nieto has rejected.
He likened the Republican candidate's "strident tone" to the rise of dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
Mr Trump has accused Mexico of sending rapists and drug runners across the border.
Donald Trump
Video: July 2015: Trump Criticises Mexico
And he has vowed to increase fees on some Mexican visas and all border crossing cards to help make Mexico pay for the wall.
The effigies are often modelled on unpopular political figures.
And it seems that President Barack Obama is not immune from criticism as there was at least one effigy of him set alight as well.

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