Wednesday 9 March 2016

Pregnancy signs at two weeks

Will I notice pregnancy signs at two weeks?

It's possible to get the feeling that you're pregnant soon after you've conceived. So you may experience early pregnancy symptoms just two weeks after conception.

However, at this stage, your doctor will say that you're four weeks pregnant. She'll count your pregnancy from the first day of your last period, because there's no way of knowing for sure the exact day that you conceived.

Every pregnancy is different, so it's hard to predict when and if you will notice changes in your body, especially two weeks after conception. Early pregnancy symptoms, such as tender breasts, tiredness and feeling sick, are easy to confuse with signs that your period is coming on.

Which pregnancy sign will I notice first?

You may feel a prickling or tingling sensation in your breasts, particularly around your nipples. It happens because pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to your breasts.

This can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. You may notice how tender your breasts feel within a week or so of conception. Your usual bra may become uncomfortable, and feel more chafing than usual. However, sore breasts more commonly become noticeable about four weeks after conception.

Will there be any changes in my vagina?

Another early sign of pregnancy is the change in colour of your vulva and vagina (Chadwick's sign). It can happen as early as four weeks of pregnancy, often before you notice other signs.

Your vulva and vagina are usually pink in colour, but this changes to dark purplish-red as your pregnancy progresses. This is due to the increased amount of blood being supplied to the tissues this area.

It's possible that if you're in tune with your usual menstrual cycle, you will notice changes to your vaginal discharge at this early stage.

It's common to have more vaginal discharge in pregnancy. It's usually harmless, and not that different from the discharge that you had before you were pregnant. Don't rinse out your vagina (douching), as this may irritate your skin and upset the natural bacterial balance.

Pregnancy also makes you more likely to get thrush. Though this isn't harmful to your baby, you'll need treatment. If your vaginal discharge changes in appearance and smell, see your doctor.

If I have vaginal spotting, does it mean I'm not pregnant?

Not necessarily. You may notice a slight pink or brown-coloured stain in your knickers, or when you wee, or feel slight cramping. It's common to have some spotting at the time when you'd usually have your period.

Experts aren't sure why spotting in very early pregnancy happens, but there's a possibility that it could be caused by the fertilised egg implanting in your uterus, or the hormones that control your periods kicking in. Most spotting is painless, and you may only notice it when you wipe.

Will I get cravings yet?

At this early stage, you are more likely to experience a change in your appetite than cravings for particular foods. You may notice a metallic taste in your mouth and be extra sensitive to the smells of food or cooking.

The pregnancy hormone progesterone may make you feel hungrier. However, it's possible to mistake this for hormone changes that happen during your usual menstrual cycle.

It's more common to have a loss in appetite, especially if you have morning sickness. You may be opting for certain foods that ease your sickness, rather than because you crave them.

You may not be able to bear the taste of things that you used to enjoy. You may dislike particular smells and tastes, such as coffee, tea, alcohol, spicy or fried foods and eggs.

When will morning sickness happen?

Morning sickness can start two weeks after you've conceived, when you're actually four weeks pregnant. It's more usual for it to start when you're about six weeks pregnant, though. You may feel nauseous at any time of the day or night.

The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown, but it's thought to be connected to the rise in pregnancy hormones human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and oestrogen. The thyroid hormone thyroxine may also play a part.

Will my energy levels change early in pregnancy?

You may start to feel tired right from the early stages of pregnancy, as your body gets ready to support your growing baby. You may also feel weepy and emotional, while at other times elated.

Though fatigue is not a sure-fire symptom on its own, it's a common pregnancy symptom, and often goes hand in hand with morning sickness.

Is it too early to take a pregnancy test?

The more sensitive home pregnancy tests can detect low levels of pregnancy hormones as early as four days before your period is due, or seven days after you've conceived. However, the most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Home pregnancy tests will give you the most accurate result if you test no earlier than the time when your period would normally be due.

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