Monday 28 March 2016

Mum 'confessed to sexually abusing disabled daughter with husband before he raped her so viciously she died'

The woman was questioned after her husband was arrested over the horrific attack on the five-year-old adopted girl

Denis, the rapist
The man known as Denis - the alleged rapist
A mum has confessed to sexually abusing her disabled daughter along with her husband who raped the girl so viciously she died, it has been reported. The appalling crime in a village in the south-west region of Russia’s Lipetsk Oblast made headlines around the world last week. The suspect - identified only as Denis by local media - had reportedly beaten the five-year-old girl savagely before the sex attack . He only
stopped and took her to hospital, say police, when he realised she was bleeding heavily.
Medics said she died from massive internal injuries and blood loss, according to reports by Russian news website Bloknot. When his wife was called in for questioning, the woman shocked police officers by admitting that she had interfered with her adopted daughter, named Lida, and then jumped up and started dancing around the interrogation room. Police said that the 33-year-old woman, identified only by her first name Valentina, had now been sent to a psychiatric hospital for further observation.
The accused and his wife adopted the girl from an orphanage and had four other children of their own.
The victim was apparently so disabled she could hardly hold a spoon to eat or talk. Neighbours were stunned by the arrest and described the couple as "good, religious people." Local media have suggested that the alleged abuse was so severe and terrible that it may have not been the first time it occurred.
A police spokesman said: "The autopsy results said the girl died from internal bleeding caused by the fracture of internal organs. "Denis has admitted his guilt. He has been detained." Meanwhile, the four other children have reportedly been taken into care by authorities. Police continue to investigate while Denis is awaiting trial for murder.

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