Friday 13 May 2016

'Prostitute and pimp' battered by vigilante woman who dragged them out of car for street brawl

The violent street fight erupted when a woman spotted someone she claimed was a sex worker and a pimp in a car together

This was the shocking moment a fearless female crime fighter decided to take matters into her own hands - and began throwing punches at a woman she claimed was a prostitute .
The vigilante was said to have been taking part in an anti-vice drive and confronted the woman she claimed was a sex worker as she sat in a car.
And fists soon begin to
fly as passers-by and a man who was accused of being a pimp got involved in the scrap, which was recorded in China.
The video, taken by a witness who claims the violent brawl was down to an anti-vice sting, appears to have been taken on a busy street.
the one minute 28 second clip begins with one of the women, thought to be the vigilante dressed in a dark pink top, pulling a woman from a black 4x4 car.
They begin to throw punches and yank one another's hair before a third woman in a yellow blouse seems to get out of the car and join the fight.
Two men, one shirtless, then get involved and try to pull apart the women as screaming can be heard.
At one stage the topless man is even seen trying to land a blow on one of the women.The fight stops as quickly as it starts, with the video showing the woman in pink sitting on the side of the pavement.
Netizens who watched the clip on Chinese website , praised the actions of the vigilante but one comment said the incident should have been left to the police.
The video's original poster claimed the fight started as vigilantes roamed the streets in a crackdown on sex workers.It is unclear whether any arrests have been made or whether those who appeared in the video were involved in the sex trade as claimed.
The clip, which has been viewed thousands of times, is believed to have been taken in the port city of Guangzhou, close to Hong Kong, in south east China.

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