Thursday 26 May 2016

Here’s What People In Hiroshima Want To Tell Obama

President Obama will become the first sitting president to visit the city since the atomic bomb was dropped there 71 years ago. We asked people in Hiroshima what they want him to know.

On Friday, President Barack Obama will visit Hiroshima. He’ll be the first sitting president to visit the city since the atomic bomb was dropped there 71 years ago.

Prior to Obama’s visit, BuzzFeed News asked people in Hiroshima about what they want the United States and the president to know. Here’s what they said.

Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
No more nuclear weapons!! Please!!

“We’ve never really thought about it, but we don’t want any nuclear weapon. It’s scary. We want President Obama to visit the Atomic Dome. We never want anyone to do something like that.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please abolish all nuclear weapons. We are still suffering.
“My mother was showered with black rain, but since she had no witnesses, she is not recognized as a victim of an atomic bomb. My uncle and aunt were exposed to radiation. I want him to know that there are still people who suffer from the bomb.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please learn the horror of nuclear bombs.
“There’s a meaning to have him come to Hiroshima. Not an apology. While there are wars happening around the world today, it will be great if he can recognize that atomic bombing should never be repeated.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please make the world peaceful for these children.
“I want him to know that there were pains caused by the war. Because the U.S. was the country which had dropped atomic bombs, I think they can make the world peaceful now.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
World peace, forever and ever.
“This is the second time I’ve visited Hiroshima. When I was around my daughter’s age, I visited here, and I felt the horror of nuclear bombs. I wanted my daughter to know the horror as well, so that’s why we are here together now. I want people around the world to understand that this is something that should never happen again.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please abolish nuclear weapons. I beg you.
“My mother is a child of atomic bomb victims. My father was showered in black rain. People in Hiroshima are somehow affected by the bomb. They are calm, but what they’ve experienced is fierce.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please promise that you’ll be against nuclear weapons.
“My mother, older brother, and relatives have been affected by atomic bomb radiation. It’s important to understand and realize the cruel conditions. I want him to actually talk with people and feel how much we wish for total abolition of nuclear weapons.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please do your best at abolishing all nuclear weapons!
“We’ve never thought about it, but we hate war. It’d be a little nice if we could see President Obama. But we hate how there is going to be traffic regulation when he comes.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Let’s abolish nuclear weapons.
“My mother was exposed to radiation within 1km of ground zero. My father, who was in the navy, was exposed when he entered the city within 2km of the hypocenter within 15 days. My older sister was exposed when she was still in my mother’s womb. My parents never wanted to talk about the atomic bomb. Japan should cooperate with the U.S. to abolish nuclear weapons, rather than to curse them for dropping the bomb. It is no use to hear an apology that will not change anything.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please create a world with no nuclear weapons.
“I think it’s a huge deal that a sitting U.S. president visits here. I want him to see and hear Hiroshima as it is and make this visit a turning point in history.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Abolish war!
“We went to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. We did not experience the atomic bomb, but it’s absolutely wrong to use nuclear weapons. Things like that should never happen again.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please never forget about this.
“My grandma’s little brother was exposed to radiation in Nagasaki, and he died several years later. I’ve visited Nagasaki before, but this is my first time in Hiroshima. I’ve always wanted to visit here. We can never change the fact that atomic bombs were dropped, but same things will happen again if we forget.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
Please make this a chance to change history.
“We’ve had no sitting presidents visit Hiroshima, and Obama’s visit is going to change this taboo. I think that atomic bombs have been justified in the U.S. — I’m sure this will be an opportunity to reflect again. I want him to see Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and think about the facts.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
As people from Hiroshima, we are happy that you even visit us.
“We don’t think that his visit was too late, or that he should apologize. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will have to visit Pearl Harbor next time.”
Kota Hatachi / BuzzFeed
“Thanks for coming from far away. I’ve been to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum for more than 15 times. When I go there, it remains in my head. And I even think about it in my sleep. I want President Obama to learn the horror of atomic bombs at the museum.”

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