Friday 20 May 2016

Gender and Ethnic Conflict used by Elites to Divert Public - See more at:


Freud & Tavistock Psychological Control of Masses by Dan

Freudian doctrines such as 'female penis envy' are nonsense.  Academic psychology rejected most of Freud's sexual theories over fifty years ago.  But Freud's public image as the sex obsessed inventor of the couch 'talking cure' was just a gimmick. 

Psychoanalysis was Freud's cover for the real work he was doing:  Psychodynamics.  We now know that Freud's real work was under the radar.  Freud wrote books you never heard of.   Even in the summary of career in Wikipedia you will find names, dates, and institutions In London with which he worked directly since 1908.  These British colleagues created the Tavistock Institute after World War One, ostensibly to develop treatment for 'shell schocked' war veterans, now known as 'post traumatic stress disorder'.   When Freud had to go into exile from Vienna after the Anschluss in 1938, he was given a mansion at 20 Maresfield Gardens, Hampstead, London NW3 next door to the Tavistock Institute.   Freud was just one of several Freuds that had been based in London, Paris, and New York.  Most notably, his nephew Edward Bernays, founder of the modern 'Public Relations' industry during the 1920.  Public Relations is the commercial version of military psychological warfare.  

What is Psychodynamics?   It's a modern frame for an ancient science of mass population control.  What does this have to do with Feminism and the 'war between the sexes'? Conflict between gender is termed a 'dynamic conflict model'.   

There's also an 'ethnic conflict model'. Ethnic conflict model is what open borders 'Multiculturalism' is all about.  

Now I'll give you a personal example of dynamic conflict model to make it simple.  Say we have a teenage brother and sister.  Between themselves they will conflict over domestic territory --  a shared bathroom is the classic example. They'll fight over it.  But dad has grounded both of them, they'll team up and run to mom to override dad. 

Ruling elites of countries use conflict models to split the public.  When the rulers fear revolution, they'll exacerbate a conflict between groups.   What happens it the built-up ENERGY is redirected toward the streets.

Meanwhile the elite areas enjoy peace and stability.    The Democrats use both the Ethnic Conflict Model, which is what we're seeing with Soros paying BLM to follow Trump rallies from state to state.   They also use the Gender Conflict Model - which is what Henry's article today is about. 

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