Friday 13 May 2016

ISIS kill 14 Real Madrid fans in massacre at supporters club headquarters

WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT: Three gunmen opened fire around midnight at the Al Furat cafe in Balad, 50 miles north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad 

A group of Islamic State terrorists armed with AK-47s attacked the headquarters of a Real Madrid supporters club - because 'they don't like football'.
Three gunmen opened fire around midnight at the Al Furat cafe in Balad, 50 miles north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
14 dead as terrorists attack Real Madrid supporters club in Baghdad
It is believed at least 14 people - mainly Real Madrid fans but also cafe staff and other customers - were killed and a further 28 people injured.

Islamic State later claimed responsibility, while gruesome pictures and video have emerged illustrating the aftermath of the bloodbath.
Bullet holes can be seen littering a room full of armchairs with an upturned chair in the centre - and blood smeared all over the floor with a trail leading out of what appears to be a main meeting room.
Real Madrid offered their 'profound condolences' and said their players would wear black armbands tomorrow.
In a video shot this afternoon, blood leads out on to the street from the building where a body is being carried into an emergency truck by men dressed in police and army uniforms.
Dozens of other people have flooded the scene and are walking through the shattered glass and blood with a sense of shock.
The remnants of of a blaze on at least one of the sofas can be seen which is littered with bottles of water.14 dead as terrorists attack Real Madrid supporters club in BaghdadAn upturned chair and smears of blood on the floor depict just how chaotic and devastating the attack was
The fan group, which has 4191 members, meet for coffee and to watch old Real Madrid games when there isn't live football on.
The video also shows the switched off TVs hung among portraits of Real Madrid heroes like Ronaldo on the wall.
President of the supporters club Ziad Subhan said: "A group of Islamic terrorists, from ISIS, came into the café, armed with AK-47s, shooting at random at everyone who was inside".
Asked about the motives for the attack, AS reports the president said: "They don't like football, they think it's anti-Muslim.
"They just carry out attacks like this. This is a terrible tragedy".The attackers fled and hours later one of them set off his explosive vest at a nearby vegetable market after police cornered him in a disused building.
A Real Madrid club statement said: "Real Madrid profoundly laments the terrible attack today in Iraq which has ended the life of 16 members of a Madrid fan club and that injured more than 20.
“The club expresses its total sadness and offers its thoughts and condolences to the families and friends of the victims.“Real Madrid extends its solidarity to the people of Iraq, that suffers the injustice of extremist violence.
“The Real Madrid players will wear a symbolic black armband as a sign of mourning and respect, because football and sports will always be places of meeting, harmony and peace which no savage terrorism will overcome.
“Madrid fans around the world weep today for its fans, who will never be forgotten.”
The official Twitter account for La Liga posted on Twitter that it was "thinking of the victims and families".
zupporters clubs in the Middle East said they were united in grief throughout the 'commonwealth of Real Madrid fans'.
They claimed that 'the very youngest innocent members of the association' were targeted in the attack in Iraq, describing them as martyrs - and that they were praying 'for the wounded to heal'.
Reuters14 dead as terrorists attack Real Madrid supporters club in Baghdad
Armed soldiers stand guard outside the headquarters after the attack this afternoon
An association of Chelsea fans in Iraq also condemned the act of terrorism - and fans of the club worldwide reacted with horror and shock at the news on social media.
One fan Ryan (@ryantran55) posted: "No matter how different we may be, we all share one common love. My thoughts go out to the Real Madrid fan club attack victims in Iraq."
Another football fan Kilian Hanratty (@KilianHanratty) said: "Football has brought millions together for the better - Isis ‘don’t like football… they think it’s anti-Muslim."
And fan Richie Bryant (@roxrichie) posted: "Isis kills real madrid fans this morning at a gathering club in Iraq. .now isis isn't just religious n political but also social.ridiculous!" (sic)
The attack was said be in honour of Abdel Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, the ISIS second-in-command who was killed in a coalition strike in March.
Earlier this week, three separate car bombings in Baghdad killed at least 93 people and wounded 165.
The Islamic State group later claimed responsibility for all three bombings.

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