Thursday 7 July 2016

signs he doesn't love you

Stop picking petals off flowers chanting, "He loves me, he loves me not." This list will tell you how he truly feels.
  • Love is such a hard thing to define. To some people it's a feeling; to others, it's an action. And although it can be challenging to pin down exactly what love is, its manifestations are pretty easy to identify.

    Here is a list of signs he isn't in love:
  • 1. He doesn't remember things you tell him

  • 2. He compares you to other women

  • 3. He avoids physical contact

  • 4. He doesn't have respect for things that are important to you

  • 5. He's uninterested in solving problems

  • 6. And when you try to solve problems it turns into a big fight

  • 7. He doesn't make time with you a priority

  • 8. He tries to change you

  • 9. He doesn't offer to help you

  • 10. He's constantly on his phone when you're together

  • 11. His goals don't align with yours

  • 12. He doesn't trust you

  • 13. You are losing trust in him

  • 14. It's hard to talk about things that are important to you

  • 15. He puts you down, even if it's "joking"

  • 16. His friends and family don't know much about you

  • 17. And he doesn't respect your friends and family

  • 18. Being around him doesn't make you feel good about yourself

  • 19. He doesn't share personal details about his life with you

  • 20. He never says "I'm sorry"

  • 21. He tells you he needs space

  • 22. It's hard to have a good conversation

  • 23. He's easily annoyed by you

  • 24. You're not his No. 1 priority

  • 25. He's consistently negative

  • 26. He keeps secrets

  • 27. He doesn't talk about the future

  • 28. He's not curious about your life

  • 29. He doesn't treat you differently than other people

  • 30. He spends a lot of time talking to other girls

  • 31. It's not obvious that he loves you

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