Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sex and Migraines

Migraines can be tough on every aspect of your life, including romance and intimacy.
"One study found that about one-quarter of patients mentioned that migraines affected the frequency or quality of sex," says Joshua M. Cohen, MD, director of education in the department of neurology at Mount Sinai West Hospital in New York. "Five percent even said it was the cause of their divorce or end of relationship."
But it doesn't have to be that way. Take these steps to get your mojo back on track

Understand the Impact

Symptoms of migraines include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to smells, lights, sounds, and movement and touch.

Think about what it takes to have a good sexual experience. You can see how a migraine would limit that, says Teshamae Monteith, MD, chief of the headache division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
Migraines may also have a more direct effect in

Once-a-Week Sex Makes for Happy Couples

6 Tips For Teens

More than that doesn't add to connubial bliss, research shows
  An active sex life is important to couples' happiness, and they don't have to go at it like rabbits -- those who make love once a week are happiest, a new study suggests.
More frequent sex isn't a buzzkill for a relationship. It just doesn't pack the same punch, Canadian researchers report Nov. 18 in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.
"Our research suggests that couples do not need to aim to engage in sex as frequently as possible but instead aim to maintain a connection with their partner," said study lead author Amy Muise, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
The findings are based on three studies involving more than 30,000 people in all.
At issue: How does sexual frequency affect well-being?
Not surprisingly, the research showed that sex is good, and more sex is better, Muise said. Regularly having sex emerged as even more important to a happy relationship than money was.

Ways to Catch a Liar

Tension Headaches: Symptoms & Treatments 
Experts have 10 tips that can let you know if someone isn't telling you the whole truth.

J.J. Newberry was a trained federal agent, skilled in the art of deception detection. So when a witness to a shooting sat in front of him and tried to tell him that when she heard gunshots she didn't look, she just ran -- he knew she was lying.
How did Newberry reach this conclusion? The answer is by recognizing telltale signs that a person isn't being honest, like inconsistencies in a story, behavior that's different from a person's norm, or too much detail in an explanation.
While using these signs to catch a liar takes extensive training and practice, it's no longer only for authorities like Newberry. Now, the average person can become adept at identifying dishonesty, and it's not as hard as you might think. Experts tell WebMD the top 10 ways to let the truth be known.

Tip No. 1: Inconsistencies

"When you want to know if someone is lying, look

Thursday 7 July 2016

things a man is only willing to do for the woman he loves

When a man loves a woman…he will do these 5 things.
  • It was two weeks after our wedding, when I got some pretty devastating news.
    After just having a glorious wedding filled with promises of forever, love, and laughter, my parents broke the news to me that they were separating after 27 years of marriage.
    To say I was crushed would be an understatement.
    There were a couple nights where I just sobbed uncontrollably into my pillow, not wanting to do anything or see anyone.

    But my husband, being the man he is

The most underated characteristic of who you want to marry

There is one vital characteristic you should look for in a spouse but unfortunately, it is often forgotten.
Editor's note: This article was originally published on Kevin A. Thompson's blog. It has been republished here with permission.
"In sickness and in health."
On two occasions I have said those words with the full confidence that the couple repeating those words actually knew what they meant.
The first occurrence brought a smile to my face. She had endured and marriage was her reward on the other side of illness. Together they have journeyed through the struggles of a serious disease as boyfriend and girlfriend. Now they would be husband and wife. They knew what "in sickness and in health" meant.
The second occurrence brought a tear to my eye. She had weeks to live. The vow renewal was his gift to her. I almost cut the words fearing they might be too painful. But with a crowd gathered I included them as a testimony to all who would hear them say, "in sickness and in health." They meant it and everyone knew it.
Few people consider sickness and suffering when picking a

major causes of divorce may not be what you think

There is one issue that is causing many marriages to fall apart. This article discusses what that issue is and provides five tips to prevent it.
  • Editor's note: This article was originally published on Kevin A. Thompson's blog. It has been republished here with permission.
    I'm convinced the number one cause of divorce is not adultery, financial problems, or irreconcilable difference. Those are most often symptoms of a deeper problem.

    While these problems might be real, I believe there is a bigger issue.
    The most common issue I see with couples who are struggling in marriage is a lack of intentional investment in their marriage.
    While it's a fair debate of which comes first — did someone lose interest so they lost intention or did someone lose intention so they lost interest — either way there is a

signs he doesn't love you

Stop picking petals off flowers chanting, "He loves me, he loves me not." This list will tell you how he truly feels.
  • Love is such a hard thing to define. To some people it's a feeling; to others, it's an action. And although it can be challenging to pin down exactly what love is, its manifestations are pretty easy to identify.

    Here is a list of signs he isn't in love:
  • 1. He doesn't remember things you tell him

  • 2. He compares you to other women

  • 3. He avoids physical contact

mistakes women make when trying to win over a man

Make sure you aren't making any of these common mistakes when searching for love.
  • As a man I've observed, through my personal interactions with women, that there are basic things that the majority of women do that majorly hinder winning over a man's heart. Understanding these things can help women not sabotage their own relationships.
  • 1. Using sex as a weapon

    I'm not specifically referring to sex itself, but rather using your body to get all the attention.

    Ladies, keep in mind that your image is like a magnet. You attract the type of person that you are presenting yourself as. If you are overly drawing attention to your body, you'll attract superficial, shallow men instead of intelligent, educated and sensible ones.
    A smart woman uses her mind, not her body, because she knows her beauty is actually in her personality, rather than her appearance alone. Physical attraction can bring temporary satisfaction; but personality and character are what actually form a rewarding relationship. Those should be your

winning a man's heart

Has this ever happened to you?
Check Mark Have you ever been with a man who was just crazy about you and made you feel so special, and just when you thought he was the one, he started pulling away?
Check Mark Have you ever been in a relationship where you were stuck in a perpetual state of relationship limbo struggling to take the relationship to the next level?
Check Mark Have you ever tried having the "talk" with him only to see him become cold, distant and withdrawn?
Check Mark Have you ever wished you could make him realize that you are the perfect couple and can create an amazing, lifelong relationship together?
Check Mark Have you ever wondered whether the guy you are with truly loves you and sees you as a part of his future?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then keep reading, because I am going to share with you 10 little-known secrets about men that will help you to capture any man’s heart, have him eagerly commit to