Wednesday 8 January 2020

6 Places You Are Likely To Meet The Love Of Your Life

Rihanna once said “ We found love in a hopeless place ” and she cannot be more right . I mean , you can find love while looking like the main character in a horror movie or when you look like a beautiful character from the movie Cinderella, however , the important thing is that you can find love anywhere and below are some places where you can find love :
Banking Hall
Hey , darlings , stop dressing like you are
one of your sisters ’ maid, a cinderella story will not happen when you meet the handsome guy or beautiful lady . It is possible to meet the love of your life in a banking hall . They might be your knight in shining armour and if you see that man you like, do not be shy , start a conversation, it will not hurt . Instead of sharing a “ help me find him / her ” on twitter , make your move.
Social Media
Yes , respond to that D . M . Many people have found the love of their life on social media . From Instagram , Twitter and Whatsapp groups . Not everyone is out to defraud you , some friendships are meant to grow into something better . Most often, we get engrossed with the work -life that we get too busy to go out , hence, social media is another platform where meeting people will be possible and easy.
Religious settings
Whether in the church or mosque , anything is possible . Most often , there are camps , road trips, meetings and in all of these are possibilities of you meeting someone that tickles your fancy .
Do not slack when the time comes, make your move and hope for the best , what more , they could have had their eyes on you , might end up being a win- win situation .
Not every cat - calling issue becomes a bad case, some do end in a life- long relationship. Apart from those boys that are rude , some are quite the kind of men or women you can end up with , a life -long relationship. This does not mean you have to give every dick and harry a chance, just those you think are responsible enough to get that opportunity .
You can meet the love of your life in an academic environment . There are different stories of marriages that started in schools , try and give that person a chance, being in the same environment does not mean the relationship will not work , how do you even know what works if you did not give them the benefit of doubt .
Who could ever imagine it is possible to find love while you are showing love to your stomach . There is no reason to be uptight because you are eating . Have a friendly face , not that face that will chase everyone away or make you look unapproachable . You can find love in that canteen and that place you are eating .
There are thousands of other places you can find love , do not close your heart to love , things that are meant to work will definitely work out . Source The guardian online newspapers. 

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