Wednesday 8 June 2016

Pregnacy and Zika, What to NOTE

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Women who are pregnant - or thinking about getting pregnant - may be worried about the Zika virus. The virus has been linked to a serious birth defect called microcephaly, which is when a baby has a small head and brain. The virus is a particular threat in Latin America and the Caribbean, where several thousand babies have been born with microcephaly. There is no vaccine or treatment for Zika or microcephaly.
Most people who get infected with Zika do not get sick at all and do not even know that they are infected. Those who do get sick usually get mildly ill with symptoms such as fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes. The virus can be passed from mothers to babies during pregnancy.
Here are 5 things women should know:

1. If at all possible, pregnant women should not travel to Latin American and Caribbean countries affected by the Zika outbreak. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring the countries where people have the virus. Although some cases of Zika virus have been found in the United States, all are believed to be travel-related.
2. If you live in, or must travel to, countries where the Zika virus is most active, consider postponing getting pregnant. Because the virus may spread through sexual contact, it’s best if men use condoms.
3. Try to avoid mosquito bites if you live in, or must travel to, countries where the Zika virus is most active. Take these steps to avoid getting bitten:
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Stay in homes that have air conditioning or window screens.
  • Wear mosquito repellant that is safe for pregnant women. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides information on repellants.
  • Dump standing water (such as children’s swimming pools and rain water in flower pots and old tires) where mosquitoes are known to breed.
4. Get a blood test if you are pregnant, or have either lived in or traveled to areas where Zika is active. In addition to blood tests, an ultrasound can show if the baby is developing normally. If you don’t live in a Zika-affected area and have not traveled there, you do not need a blood test, even if you are pregnant.
5. Talk with your doctor because the situation is changing. Health experts are studying the possible link between Zika and microcephaly. As more information is known, guidelines could change

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