Tuesday 7 June 2016

Get Rid of a Pimple on or Near the Neck

It can be difficult to get rid of a pimple that occurs on the back of your neck, your throat, or under your chin. The skin tissue in these areas is soft and delicate, and popping zits in these areas is difficult. Often, these zits don't even have visible heads that you can pop. The best way to get rid of pimples on the neck and throat is to desiccate them (dry them out) and reduce inflamation in the area. This can be done with a combination of medicine and ice.

The first step is to make the pimple dry out. Cover it with a layer of calamine lotion, clay-based facial masque, or any acne medication that comes in the form of a paste. Place a small square of tissue over it, and let it dry. Apply one more layer of medication over the tissue. This creates a hard shell over the pimple that will desiccate the blemish. Leave the hard shell on your neck over night.

Leave the shell on your neck overnight and wash it off in the shower next morning. Don't try to pick off the shell with your fingers; it will hurt and it can tear the delicate skin.

When your skin is clean and dry, apply ice to the pimple. Leave the on until it melts.

Repeat this process for a few days, and the neck pimple will eventually disappear without scarring. Resist the urge to pop a neck pimple, even it forms a head. Popping zits increases the chances of scarring.

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