Wednesday 14 April 2021

Dangers of lack of sex

Sex is good for you. Researchers have spent a long time looking at the health benefits of regular sex action.

Did you know that not having sex can be bad for you? There are many ways that a lack of Sexual action can affect you. These include:

1. Higher risk of heart disease

A scientific study has found having sex just twice a week halves a man's chances of getting clogged arteries compared to those who indulge less than once a month. And recent research published in the Journal of

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Porn and Sex Addiction

Porn addiction and sex addiction are not the same disorder. Addiction to porn is considered to be a type of sex addiction and can manifest itself differently than other types of sex addiction. Like “sex addiction,” “porn addiction” is not an official diagnosis in the DSM-5 yet. However,
 an addiction to porn can lead to

How to treat sex addiction

Sex addiction can be treated. You will typically want to speak with a mental health professional, like a psychologist or licensed social worker. They will help you address some of the underlying factors that are maintaining your sex or porn addiction, and teach you to cope with your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a healthy way.

Some treatment options include:

10 Ways to Make Sex Feel Great for Your Husband


1. Change positions for different stimulation

In some positions you’ll feel tighter, which will be nice for him. In some he’ll be able to go deeper. In some he’ll be able to feel other parts of you more easily (which he may really like). If, for your own pleasure, you need to be in one position to climax, that’s okay! Just start in a different position, and then switch later. (If you want a fun, non X-rated book on different positions, the Sock Monkey Kama Sutra is hilarious. And it will make you guys laugh. And hey, they’re just sock monkeys). Now here are two particular positions that can really

Similarities Between Being Addicted to a Drug and Addicted to Sex

 Effects on the Brain

Drug addiction and sex addiction have similar effects on the brain–both primarily influence the brain’s reward system through a neurotransmitter called dopamine. When a person satisfies a need or desire that is vital to survival or reproduction, dopamine is released, causing the person to experience pleasure or euphoria. This reinforces the expectation of reward and increases the desire to engage in the underlying behavior.

The use of a drug stimulates the release of

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Three steps to tightening your vagina naturally

Well, some people fear that a woman can become quite roomier down there after having a baby.
Of course, pregnancy and childbirth are two of life’s experiences that women have and are never ever the same again.
Indeed, experts warn that being loose down below is not the result of too much sex, as there are several causes, including menopause and ageing.
As for childbirth, an obstetrics/gynaecologist, Dr. Hilda Hutcherson, assures that in most cases, childbirth will not ruin vaginas.

She says, “It’s true that the pelvic-floor muscles may be taxed during

Natural Ways To Tighten The Vagina and The True Reasons For a Loose Vagina

Before this writer take you round the 5 basic things that can keep the vagina tight, let us dispel the many myths surrounding the cause of vaginal looseness; having too much sex, losing tightness immediately after you lose your virginity, and that having a baby loosens the vagina forever. None of these are true in the slightest, all are myths! You should know it’s not the vagina that loose, but the pelvic floor muscle.
When looking for natural ways to tighten your vagina, it is important that you know the correct area to target. The pelvic floor muscle houses both the vagina and the vaginal wall muscle. When the pelvic floor muscle is tight and in place, everything else will be held nicely and supported. The vaginal wall muscle is a very elastic, folded and stretchy accordion. When the pelvic floor muscle stretches, the vaginal wall muscle also unfolds more and more.
The 3 Main Reasons

6 Ways To Get Over A Crush

Every now and then , we develop crushes and while it can be a fantastic and euphoric feeling , it can become a crushing situation when the feelings are either not mutual or reciprocated .
Maybe your crush involves someone off-limits , such as a married friend or a celebrity you may never get to meet .
If you have to handle a feeling on unfulfilled crush , here are tips that can help you deal with your emotions.
Accept your 

Wednesday 8 January 2020

6 Places You Are Likely To Meet The Love Of Your Life

Rihanna once said “ We found love in a hopeless place ” and she cannot be more right . I mean , you can find love while looking like the main character in a horror movie or when you look like a beautiful character from the movie Cinderella, however , the important thing is that you can find love anywhere and below are some places where you can find love :
Banking Hall
Hey , darlings , stop dressing like you are

Sunday 1 January 2017

Sex Therapist Do?


WebMD Expert Column

A sex therapist can be a psychiatrist, a marriage and family therapist, a psychologist, or a clinical social worker. We are specially trained in sex therapy methods beyond the minimal amount of training about sexuality that is required for each of those licenses.
There are a few graduate schools in the U.S. that specialize in training for sex therapy. Some people assemble their training by rigorous self-study and by attendance at the major sexological organizations' annual conferences. We have about a dozen scientific journals dedicated solely to sexual research. There are about six major organizations that hold conferences and trainings.
So seeing a sex therapist is like going to a gynecologist for gynecological problems rather than to a family practice physician. Both have specialized particularly in that area. That isn't to say that one couldn't get good help from a non-sex therapist for a sexual issue, it's just that the likelihood might be a bit less.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sex and Migraines

Migraines can be tough on every aspect of your life, including romance and intimacy.
"One study found that about one-quarter of patients mentioned that migraines affected the frequency or quality of sex," says Joshua M. Cohen, MD, director of education in the department of neurology at Mount Sinai West Hospital in New York. "Five percent even said it was the cause of their divorce or end of relationship."
But it doesn't have to be that way. Take these steps to get your mojo back on track

Understand the Impact

Symptoms of migraines include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to smells, lights, sounds, and movement and touch.

Think about what it takes to have a good sexual experience. You can see how a migraine would limit that, says Teshamae Monteith, MD, chief of the headache division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
Migraines may also have a more direct effect in